Following our work in support of their comedy series Delmer & Marta, Mosaic Entertainment engaged Innovate By Day to help in the relaunch of their award-winning niche sketch comedy series CAUTION: May Contain Nuts, brought back to life on APTN for a fourth season after a five year hiatus. A major element of this campaign was the CAUTION: On The Road contest, which culminated in a live comedy performance, streamed to Facebook Live.



Activate fan base and generate video views and impressions on Facebook and YouTube


Grow page likes and subscribers on Facebook and YouTube


Drive to tune-in on APTN

what we did

Media Buying and Planning | Strategy | Video Production | Live Video Production | Social Media Content and Management | YouTube Channel Management | Web Development

Innovate By Day worked closely with Mosaic’s Production team to curate and strategically release a collection of new comedy sketches to the newly-rebranded YouTube channel, supported with an online ad campaign. In addition, we curated and edited a series of short CAUTION: Unscripted sketches, shot by Mosaic’s behind-the-scenes crew during filming of Season Four.

To drive further engagement with the target audience, we ran the CAUTION: On The Road contest. Fans were invited to “pitch” their community to host a CAUTION: May Contain Nuts livestream comedy show. We developed the online voting portal featuring the three finalist cities (Red Deer, AB; Saskatoon, SK; and Saint John, NB) and sent a crew to find out why each city should be selected to host the LIVE performance by the cast of CAUTION: May Contain Nuts. The performance was then streamed to Facebook Live from the winning community of Saskatoon, SK to share with fans across the country.



The CAUTIONTV YouTube channel amassed over 17,000 video views for a total of 23,262 minutes of viewing time


Finalist videos reached over 120,000 views on Facebook and YouTube


CAUTION: On The Road livestream show reached over 450,000 people with 98,000 video views Facebook audience grew 127% over Season 4

examples of work

CAUTION On The Road: Saint John featuring Jeff Halaby

CAUTION Unscripted: Actors' Inequity featuring Sheldon Elter and Aimée Beaudoin