We encourage you to spend some time exploring our website to get to know our team, our clients, and our work. If you think you’ve got something to bring to this team, we want to know you. We’re always on the lookout for potential new team members, contractors, and freelancers. Send your resume and cover letter to careers@innovatebyday.ca
Job Opportunities
Gestionnaire De Projet / Bilingual Project Manager
Poste à temps plein, à distance ou hybride / Full Time, remote or hybrid
Nous nous agrandissons! Venez travailler avec nous!
Type de poste : Temps plein
Date limite : Le 13 janvier 2025
Compensation: Commensurate with experience.
À propos du post
Nous sommes à la recherche d’un·e gestionnaire de projet de niveau intermédiaire, canadien·ne francophone, bilingue, dynamique et possédant d’excellentes compétences en gestion des clients et des personnes. Cette personne doit être résident·e canadien·ne.
Gestionnaire de projet
Présentation du rôle
Êtes-vous la personne dans votre groupe qui a l’habitude d’établir des plans, de répartir les tâches, de réserver une table au restaurant, de trouver les décorations et d’assurer le suivi avec le traiteur? Si vous êtes du genre à garder une trace de tout, à tenir tout le monde au courant et à éprouver une immense satisfaction à voir un plan se réaliser, vous êtes peut-être le·la génie de la gestion de projet que nous recherchons.
Nous formons une équipe créative diversifiée, dynamique et agréable et nous travaillons en étroite collaboration sur des projets intéressants.
Innovate By Day est à la recherche d’un·e gestionnaire de projet dynamique de niveau intermédiaire pour assurer la réussite de diverses campagnes centrées sur le client. Vous serez responsable de la mise en œuvre des stratégies de campagne des clients, des communications quotidiennes et de la supervision des produits livrables des projets. Vous êtes capable de respecter les délais, de gérer plusieurs projets simultanément, vous maîtrisez les plateformes de médias sociaux et vous aimez prendre soin de vos clients. Une expérience dans l’industrie canadienne du cinéma et de la télévision ou la connaissance de l’industrie sont un atout.
Relevant de l’équipe de direction, vous serez un·e membre essentiel·le de l’équipe des projets qui crée du contenu pour les plateformes de médias sociaux, afin d’activer les audiences et d’obtenir des résultats mesurables. Vous travaillerez de façon hybride (à distance et au bureau) ou à distance en respectant les heures normales de bureau du fuseau horaire de l’Est (ET). Nous sommes ouverts à l'idée d'un poste entièrement à distance.
Innovate By Day est une entreprise totalement inclusive, respectueuse des personnes LGBT et guidée par ses valeurs, qui emploie et célèbre les personnes d’identités et d’origines diverses, leur permettant de collaborer dans un environnement équitable, solidaire et responsable.
Principales responsabilités
Les principales responsabilités de ce poste sont les suivantes
- Gérer toute la communication avec les clients sur un projet et veiller à ce que les objectifs et la vision de la campagne soient atteints ou dépassés, dans le respect des délais et du budget.
- Gérer le flux de travail et le budget du projet, et assurer la coordination avec les équipes interfonctionnelles internes (graphisme, vidéo, analyse, affaires commerciales).
- Diriger des réunions de projet hebdomadaires et réorienter la campagne si nécessaire.
- Préparer et tenir à jour la documentation du projet (dossier créatif, rapports d’étape, notes de réunions internes, notes de réunions avec le client).
- Créer et diriger des campagnes stratégiques basées sur les objectifs du client.
- Gérer l’administration du projet, y compris les dossiers de présentation, les dossiers créatifs, les calendriers de planification d’un projet, les rapports d’état du projet (internes et/ou externes) et les rapports finaux.
- Suivre et communiquer de manière proactive les changements de portée au(x) client(s) et aux équipes internes pendant toute la durée du projet.
- Rédiger des textes pour des présentations, des rapports d’analyse, des sites Web, des publicités numériques et d’autres ressources numériques.
- Gérer tous les aspects de projets complexes, y compris les événements et les productions en direct, les tournages vidéo et les publicités en ligne.
- Superviser la production de contenu (y compris la vidéo, le graphisme et le développement numérique/Web).
- Travailler à la fois de manière indépendante et en équipe.
- Superviser les stratégies relatives aux médias sociaux et numériques, les plans de diffusion de contenu et les calendriers éditoriaux afin d’accroître la portée et l’engagement de divers clients.
- Superviser la planification et la stratégie des campagnes médiatiques payantes pour atteindre les objectifs et les buts des clients.
- Assurer la création et contribuer aux rapports de campagne destinés aux clients.
- Citoyen·ne canadien·ne ou résident·e permanent·e.
- Bilingue (français/anglais) à l’écrit et à l’oral, OBLIGATOIRE.
- Formation en gestion de projet, marketing, communications, médias sociaux (ou domaine similaire) d’un collège ou d’une université accrédités.
- Au moins 4 ans d’expérience en gestion de projets/de comptes, idéalement au sein d’une agence.
- Solides compétences créatives, stratégiques, analytiques, de communication, de gestion et d’organisation.
- Connaissance, expérience et compréhension de la gestion de projet et des livraisons, de la documentation stratégique et de la gestion des personnel.
- Expérience de la logistique de production de contenu vidéo et de la création de projets et de capsules vidéo.
- Très bonnes compétences en matière de rédaction et de révision de textes.
- Connaissance et compréhension des outils et agrégateurs d’analyse en ligne, de la technologie numérique, du référencement naturel (SEO), des nouvelles tendances et des dernières innovations en matière de médias sociaux.
- Capacité à s’épanouir dans un environnement en évolution rapide et à gérer plusieurs projets et échéances.
- Ouverture à la croissance, à l’apprentissage et à l’excellence dans un environnement d’équipe.
Salaire proportionnel à l’expérience
Canada (possibilité de travail à distance et/ou hybride dans notre bureau de Toronto, ON)
Vous avez le profil recherché? Veuillez soumettre un C.V. ET UNE LETTRE DE PRÉSENTATION.
Merci à toutes les personnes intéressées. Veuillez noter que nous ne contacterons que les candidat·es qui passeront à l’étape suivante.
Date limite : Le 13 janvier 2025
Les candidats intéressés doivent remplir ce formulaire.
Veuillez mentionner : « Gestionnaire de projet bilingue »
Innovate By Day est un employeur qui respecte l’égalité des chances et s’engage à promouvoir la diversité et l’intégration sur le lieu de travail. Nous interdisons toute forme de discrimination et de harcèlement fondée sur la race, la couleur, le sexe, la religion, l’orientation sexuelle, la nationalité, le handicap, l’information génétique, la grossesse ou toute autre caractéristique protégée par les lois fédérales, provinciales ou locales.
Cette politique s’applique à toutes les pratiques d’emploi au sein de notre organisation, y compris l’embauche, le recrutement, la promotion, le licenciement, la mise à pied, le rappel au travail, les congés, la rémunération, les avantages sociaux, la formation et l’apprentissage. Innovate By Day base ses choix d’embauche uniquement sur les qualifications, le mérite et les besoins de l’entreprise au moment de la décision.
We are growing! Come work with us!
Position: Full-Time Bilingual Project Manager
Application Deadline: January 13, 2025
Compensation: Commensurate with experience.
About the job
We're looking for a dynamic French Canadian, bilingual mid-level project manager with great client and people management skills. This person must be a Canadian resident.
Project Manager
Role Overview
Are you the one in your group who makes the plans, assigns the tasks, books the restaurant, sources the decorations, and follows up with the caterer? If you’re the type who keeps track of everything, keeps everyone in the loop, and gets tremendous satisfaction from watching a plan come together, you may be the project management wunderkind we’re looking for.
We’re a diverse, dynamic, and fun creative team that works really closely together on cool and interesting projects.
Innovate By Day seeks a dynamic mid-level Project Manager to ensure the successful delivery of various client-centric campaigns. You will be responsible for driving clients’ campaign strategies, day-to-day communications, and overseeing project deliverables. You can adhere to deadlines, manage multiple projects simultaneously, are fluent with social media platforms, and have a passion for taking care of your clients. Experience and knowledge of the Canadian film and television industry is an asset.
Reporting to the leadership team, you’ll be an essential member of the Projects team that creates content for social media platforms to activate audiences and drive measurable results. You’ll be working in a Hybrid model (both remotely and in office), and expected to work during regular business hours in the Eastern time zone (ET). We are open to the position being fully remote.
Innovate By Day is a fully inclusive, queer-friendly, values-led company that employs and celebrates people of diverse identities and backgrounds, all working collaboratively in an equitable, supportive, and accountable environment.
PRIMARY Responsibilities
The primary responsibilities of this position are anticipated to include:
- Manage all client communication on a project and ensuring the campaign goals and vision are met or exceeded, on time and on budget
- Manage the project workflow and budget, and coordinate with internal cross-functional teams (graphics, video, analytics, business affairs)
- Lead weekly project meetings and drive campaign course correction when needed
- Prepare and maintain project documentation (creative briefs, status reports, internal meeting notes, client meeting notes)
- Create and lead strategic campaigns based on client objectives
- Manage project administration, including presentation decks, creative briefs, workback schedules, project status reports (internal and/or external), and post mortem reports
- Monitor and proactively communicate changes in scope to client(s) and internal teams throughout the project lifespan
- Write copy for presentation decks, analytics reports, websites, digital ads, and other digital assets
- Manage all aspects of complex projects, including live events and productions, video shoots, and online advertisements
- Oversee content production (including video, graphic, and digital/web development)
- Work independently and as part of a team
- Oversee social and digital media strategies, content distribution plans, and editorial schedules to expand reach and engagement for various clients
- Oversee the plan and strategize paid media campaigns to achieve client objectives and goals
- Ensure creation of and contribute to client-facing campaign reports
- Canadian citizen or Permanent Resident
- Bilingualism (Canadian French/English) in both spoken and written competencies is a MUST
- Education in project management, marketing, communications, social media, (or comparable) from an accredited college or university
- Minimum 4 years experience in a project/account management role, ideally in an agency environment
- Strong creative, strategic, analytical, communication, management, and organizational skills
- Knowledge, experience, and understanding of project management, work-backs, strategic documentation, and the management of people
- Experience with video content production logistics and creating video project & briefs
- Very strong writing and copy-editing skills
- Knowledge and understanding of online analytics tools and aggregators, digital technology, search engine optimization (SEO), new trends and the latest in social media innovations
- Must be able to thrive in a fast-paced environment and have the ability to multi-task and manage multiple projects and deadlines
- Openness to grow, learn and excel within a team environment
Salary commensurate with experience
Canada (can work remotely and/or hybrid with in-person work from our Toronto, ON office)
Sound like a fit? Please submit a RESUME AND COVER LETTER for consideration.
Thank you to all interested folks. Please note that we will only contact candidates that will proceed to the next phase.
Deadline: January 13, 2025
Interested candidates must complete this form
Please include: “Bilingual Project Manager”
Innovate By Day is an equal opportunity employer that is committed to diversity and inclusion in the workplace. We prohibit discrimination and harassment of any kind based on race, colour, sex, religion, sexual orientation, national origin, disability, genetic information, pregnancy, or any other protected characteristic as outlined by federal, provincial, or local laws.
This policy applies to all employment practices within our organization, including hiring, recruiting, promotion, termination, layoff, recall, leave of absence, compensation, benefits, training, and apprenticeship. Innovate By Day makes hiring decisions based solely on qualifications, merit, and business needs at the time.
Freelance Web Developer
Remote / Freelance
Position: Freelance Web Developer with opportunity for continued collaboration
Application Deadline: Ongoing
Rate: Commensurate with experience.
Role Overview
We seek a skilled and motivated Freelance Web Developer to join our innovative team. The successful candidate will be responsible for building and maintaining visually appealing and high-performing websites for our clients in the film and television industry and other sectors. This role offers the opportunity to collaborate with a diverse team of creative professionals and contribute to significant interactive projects in Government, Business and Cultural Industries.
As a Freelance Web Developer within our team, you'll take on a pivotal role in crafting, enhancing, and maintaining websites that are built primarily on WordPress. Your advanced proficiency working with WordPress will be a fundamental skill set that drives your work in delivering dynamic and engaging web experiences.
Your contributions will encompass not only the technical implementation but also the seamless integration of design elements and interactive features that resonate with our clients’ needs. Your expertise in WordPress will enable you to effectively navigate the WordPress ecosystem, optimizing performance, user experience, accessibility, and cross-device compatibility.
Key Responsibilities
- Work alongside Innovate By Day’s Senior Full-Stack Developer to develop responsive WordPress websites that adhere to the latest web standards and best practices.
- Collaborate with Innovate By Day’s UX/UI designers to translate design concepts into functional, responsive, and user-friendly websites.
- Create custom design elements and functional components for websites using HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and other relevant web technologies.
- Optimize websites for speed, performance, and cross-device compatibility.
- Troubleshoot and resolve technical issues related to website functionality and performance.
- Troubleshoot and address ongoing technical requests from Innovate By Day’s clients
- Stay updated on web development trends, tools, and best practices.
- Ensure all web content produced is fully accessible, meeting WCAG guidelines and compliant with the AODA (Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act).
- Quality Assurance and Testing
- Proven experience as a web developer with a portfolio showcasing relevant projects.
- Proficiency in front-end web technologies, including HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, and responsive design principles.
- Experience in WordPress development, which may include theme and plugin customization, working with PHP, and MySQL databases.
- Strong problem-solving skills and the ability to troubleshoot technical issues.
- Attention to detail and commitment to delivering high-quality websites where the final product matches the provided design specifications.
- An understanding of accessible web development in compliance with WCAG and knowledge of the AODA (Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act) standards and guidelines is a crucial asset for this role.
- Effective communication skills to collaborate with multidisciplinary teams and present technical solutions.
- Experience in the film and television industry or related fields is a bonus.
How to Apply:
Interested candidates must attach or provide links to their portfolio, resume, and cover letter in their email messages.
Email: careers@innovatebyday.ca
Hiring Manager: Torin Stefanson
Please include the subject line: “Freelance Web Developer”
Innovate By Day is committed to diversity and inclusion. We prohibit discrimination and harassment of any kind based on race, colour, sex, religion, sexual orientation, national origin, disability, genetic information, pregnancy, or any other protected characteristic as outlined by federal, provincial, or local laws.
Thank you to all interested folks. Please note that we will only contact candidates who proceed to the next phase.
Note: This is a freelance position [with potential for ongoing collaboration]
Digital & Social Media Marketing Specialist (Bilingual)
Part-Time / Contractual
Work with us!
Is keeping up with social media trends already your thing? Are you as good at writing social media captions as you are at writing social media analytics reports? Are you active on all the popular and upcoming social media platforms, and consider yourself a pro? Do you have a head for strategy or a ton of great ideas on how to get a product or service in front of the right audience? Are you a creative writer and digital content creator who understands social media marketing? Are you highly motivated, forward-thinking, and collaborative? Can you also speak, write, and read fluently in both English and (Canadian) French?
You might be the bilingual, part-time/contractual Digital & Social Media Marketing Specialist we’re looking for!
We’re a diverse, dynamic, and fun creative team who works really closely together on cool and interesting digital media projects.
Reporting to the Associate Director of Operations & Marketing, you’ll be an essential member of the Marketing and Project teams that create digital and social media strategies, eye-catching content, client proposals, social media reports and snapshots, and digital campaigns to activate audiences and drive measurable results. You’ll be working remotely or hybrid between home and our Toronto office. As a part-time/contractual hire, you’ll have flexible work hours with the expectation that timelines and deadlines are still being met.
Copywriting, social media graphic design, and being the thought leader on all things social media will be at the top of your skillsets. However, bilingual and well-rounded individuals who have experience with other kinds of content creation such as video editing, SEO optimization, or online ads experience will be considered preferred candidates.
Specific Responsibilities
Content Writing & Digital Campaigns
- Plan and design posts, reels, and content, and write copy across a variety of social media and digital marketing platforms
- Collaborate with senior staff in the planning, execution, and optimization of digital and social campaigns for internal and external use
- Implement and optimize social media and communication campaigns
- Ideate and execute graphic design concepts and projects in Canva and/or Adobe Suite (Photoshop, InDesign, Illustrator, etc.) in consultation with our Projects Team
- Follow through with ideas, strategies, and best practices per social media platform
- Meet deadlines while following provided brand guidelines
Community Management
- Use social media listening tools to monitor and track online conversations, trends, levels of engagement, reach, and traction for multiple clients
- Ensure that client brands are represented authentically online through voice, tone, and visual design
- Track analytics and backend data to learn what’s working and what needs adjustments
- The ability to be agile, think quickly, and execute posts professionally yet thoughtfully and strategically under tight timelines is an asset
Research & Collaboration
- Stay informed on trending topics, social media practices, and emerging news in association with the current projects
- Assist with research and communication with team members as appropriate
- Take detailed notes in meetings and parse out relevant information, including action items, next steps, and timelines
- Create and populate presentation decks, meeting notes, templates, etc. (including proposals, workshops, reports, etc.) using Google Slides or Google Docs
- May include: special assignments or strategic ideations as required by the CEO & President
Skills & Qualifications
- 3 - 4 years of professional experience in a digital, marketing, or social media position
- Post-secondary diploma, degree or equivalent, preferably in Communications, Marketing, Digital Marketing, or similar
- Knowledge, experience, keen interest, and understanding of the latest trends in social media innovation, Meta, TikTok, Twitter, and related platforms, online analytics tools and aggregators, and digital technology
- Demonstrated experience in online marketing, promotion and social media strategy, and campaign management
- Exceptional writing skills with the ability to hone and utilize different voices across channels and client accounts
- Strong graphic design skills through commonly used platforms and knowledge of social media backend content creation requirements, including typography, file formatting, and graphic/video optimization for web and digital platforms
- Experience and competency in writing reports and analyzing data from both Google and Social Media backends
- Strong organizational skills
- Strong time management skills
- Proficient in the following software:
- macOS, including iCal and Mail
- G-Suite (Gmail, Drive, Docs, Sheets, Slides, Calendar, Chat, Meet)
- Canva
- Proficiency in Adobe Suite would be considered an asset
- Proficiency in MS Office would be considered an asset
- Ability to prioritize tasks; handles matters expeditiously and proactively, and follows through on projects to successful completion, often with deadline pressures
- Ability to work independently and collaboratively
- Ability to interact patiently, tactfully, and effectively with individuals from diverse backgrounds
- Ability to function professionally and pleasantly during periods of high intensity
- Honest, trustworthy, respectful, and reliable
- Demonstrated tact and professionalism
- Experience working in the arts and culture sector or for a not-for-profit organization is an asset
- The ability to speak, read, and write fluently in English AND French
Submission of a portfolio of work demonstrating aligned competencies and completion of a writing assignment will be required by candidates who proceed through the interview process
- Salary commensurate with experience
- Flexible work hours
Sound like a fit? Fill out the Job Invitation here.
Innovate By Day is an equal-opportunity employer that is committed to diversity and inclusion in the workplace. We prohibit discrimination and harassment of any kind based on race, colour, sex, religion, sexual orientation, national origin, disability, genetic information, pregnancy, or any other protected characteristic as outlined by federal, provincial, or local laws.
This policy applies to all employment practices within our organization, including hiring, recruiting, promotion, termination, layoff, recall, leave of absence, compensation, benefits, training, and apprenticeship. Innovate By Day makes hiring decisions based solely on qualifications, merit, and business needs at the time.
Thank you to all interested folks. Please note that we will only contact candidates who proceed to the next phase.
Bilingual Video Editor
Full-Time: Contract (Remote) | Version française ci-bas
Salary: Commensurate with experience
Innovate By Day is seeking a well-rounded, outgoing professional to fill the role of Bilingual (French/English) Video Editor experienced in creating dynamic, engaging video content to start immediately.
We’re a diverse, values-led, and fun creative team that works closely on a wide range of projects with a broad cross section of clients largely in the cultural industries.
As a Bilingual Video Editor at Innovate By Day, you will work with the Innovate by Day video team to produce professional quality video and audio for various client and internal projects under the supervision of, and reporting to, the Associate Director of Content & Video Production. You will also work closely with different departments as each project dictates.
In the role of Editor, you will be expected to perform the following tasks at a professional level of creative and technical quality as commonly accepted in the film, television and digital media industry, as required.
Key Responsibilities
- Assemble and edit both fiction and non-fiction videos of various lengths as directed;
- Assemble and edit audio segments of various lengths as required;
- Basic colour correcting;
- Basic sound mixing;
- Creating SRT files, transcriptions, subtitles, translations to French, and other accessibility assets in French;
- Exporting videos in a variety of formats according to the delivery requirements;
- Maintain backups of both projects and original footage;
- Ingest footage in a variety of formats with particular attention to project organization and backups;
Other tasks and duties will be assigned as required.
- Fluent in Canadian French and English
- 3+ years of experience with Final Cut Pro
- Minimum 3 years of relevant video editing experience
- Experience preparing, logging and editing footage in Final Cut Pro
- Motion 5 & After Effects Experience is a plus
- Experience in videography and other production experience an asset
- Exceptional attention to detail for logging & assigning roles to footage
- Additional Production or Post-Production skills are an asset
- Post production coordination or project management experience are an asset
- Robust and proactive communication and interpersonal skills are a must
- Ability to prioritize conflicting needs; handles matters expeditiously, proactively, and follows through on projects to successful completion, often with deadline pressures
- Ability to work independently and collaboratively
- Strong communication, organizational and written skills
- Decision-making, analytical and problem-solving skills
- Proficient in the following software:
- G-Suite (Gmail, Drive, Docs, Sheets, Slides, Calendar, Meet)
- MS Office, including Word and Excel
- macOS, including iCal and Mail
- Pages, Keynote and Numbers an asset
- Adobe Creative Suite an asset
- Ability to interact patiently, tactfully, and effectively with individuals from diverse backgrounds
- Ability to function professionally and pleasantly during periods of high-intensity
- Honest and trustworthy
- Respectful
- Punctual
- Reliable
- Demonstrated tact and professionalism
- Ability to maintain confidentiality
- Multitasker
- Flexible
- Teamwork
Sound like a fit? Please fill out our Job Invitation Form and send a link for your website or work samples to:
Email: careers@innovatebyday.ca
ATTN: Doug Benn
Please include the subject line: “Bilingual Video Editor Job Posting”
Fill out Job Invitation here
Salary Range: $53,000-$68,000
Innovate By Day is an equal opportunity employer that is committed to diversity and inclusion in the workplace. We prohibit discrimination and harassment of any kind based on race, colour, sex, religion, sexual orientation, national origin, disability, genetic information, pregnancy, or any other protected characteristic as outlined by federal, provincial, or local laws.
This policy applies to all employment practices within our organization, including hiring, recruiting, promotion, termination, layoff, recall, leave of absence, compensation, benefits, training, and apprenticeship. Innovate By Day makes hiring decisions based solely on qualifications, merit, and business needs at the time.
Thank you to all interested folks. Please note that we will only contact candidates that will proceed to the next phase.
Monteur·euse vidéo bilingue
à temps plein: Contrat à temps plein (à distance) | English translation above
Salaire : Proportionnel à l’expérience
Innovate By Day recherche un·e candidat·e idéal·e, sociable et professionnel·le afin d’endosser le rôle de monteur·euse vidéo bilingue (français/anglais), ayant de l’expérience dans la création de contenu vidéo dynamique et engageant. Le poste est à pourvoir immédiatement.
Nous sommes une équipe hétérogène, amusante et créative et sommes guidés par nos valeurs. Nous travaillons en proche collaboration avec un large éventail de clients qui travaillent majoritairement dans le domaine culturel.
En tant que monteur·euse vidéo bilingue chez Innovate By Day, vous travaillerez avec l’équipe vidéo afin de livrer des productions audio et vidéo d’une grande qualité pour divers clients. Vous travaillerez également sur des projets internationaux sous la supervision du directeur associé du contenu et de la production vidéo dont vous dépendrez. Vous travaillerez également en collaboration proche avec différents services en fonction de chaque projet.
En tant que monteur·euse, nous vous demanderons d’effectuer les tâches suivantes à un niveau professionnel de qualité créative et technique, tel que le requiert la production de films, de séries télévisées, ainsi que le domaine des médias numériques.
Principales responsabilités
- Monter et éditer des vidéos de fiction et de non-fiction de différentes durées selon les demandes;
- Monter et éditer des séquences audio de différentes durées selon les demandes;
- Savoir effectuer des corrections couleur de base;
- Savoir effectuer du découpage audio de base;
- Créer des fichiers SRT, des transcriptions, des sous-titres, des traductions vers le français, ainsi que d’autres éléments d’accessibilité vers le français;
- Exporter des vidéos dans différents formats selon les exigences de livraison;
- Savoir conserver des sauvegardes de projets, ainsi que des extraits vidéo originels;
- Traiter des enregistrements de différents formats en prêtant particulièrement attention à l’organisation et à la sauvegarde des projets;
Effectuer d’autres tâches qui vous seront attribuées au besoin.
- Avoir une maîtrise fluide du français canadien et de l’anglais
- Avoir plus de 3 ans d’expérience avec Final Cut Pro
- Avoir au moins 3 ans d’expérience pertinente en matière de montage vidéo
- Avoir de l’expérience dans la préparation, l’enregistrement et le montage de contenu dans Final Cut Pro
- Avoir des connaissances de Motion 5 et d’After Effects serait un atout
- Avoir de l’expérience dans la vidéographie et dans d’autres domaines serait un atout
- Porter une attention particulière aux enregistrements et à l’attribution des rôles selon les séquences
- Avoir des compétences en matière de production et de postproduction serait un atout
- Avoir de l’expérience en matière de coordination de postproduction ou de gestion de projet serait un atout
- Être vigoureux·se, savoir communiquer de façon dynamique et avoir des compétences relationnelles
- Savoir établir des priorités entre des besoins contradictoires, pouvoir résoudre des problèmes rapidement et dynamiquement, et suivre les projets jusqu’à leur finalisation, le tout sous des contraintes temporelles
- Savoir autant travailler en autonomie qu’en équipe
- Avoir des compétences solides en matière de communication, d’organisation et de rédaction
- Avoir des compétences en matière de prises de décision, d’analyse et de résolution de problèmes
- Être compétent·e dans l’usage des logiciels suivants :
- G Suite (Gmail, Drive, Docs, Sheets, Slides, Calendar, Meet)
- MS Office, dont Word et Excel
- macOS, dont iCal et Mail
- Pages, Keynote et Numbers sont un atout
- Adobe Creative Suite est un atout
- Savoir être patient·e, avoir du tact et être efficace dans ses interactions avec des personnes de différentes origines
- Savoir travailler de façon professionnelle et agréable sous pression
- Être honnête et digne de confiance
- Être respectueux·se
- Être ponctuel·le
- Être fiable
- Savoir faire preuve de tact et de professionnalisme
- Savoir respecter la confidentialité
- Savoir effectuer plusieurs tâches à la fois
- Être flexible
- Savoir travailler en équipe
Vous avez le profil recherché? Veuillez remplir notre formulaire d’offre d’emploi et envoyez-nous un lien vers votre site ou vos échantillons de travail à l’adresse suivante :
Courriel : careers@innovatebyday.ca
ATTN: Doug Benn
Veuillez utiliser l’objet suivant : « Candidature pour l’emploi de monteur·euse vidéo bilingue »
Formulaire d’offre d’emploi :
Fourchette salariale : $53,000-$68,000
We work together with
transparency, kindness,
and respect.
We trust each other to
understand our roles and
get the job done.
We value collaboration
and camaraderie—and
we love what we do.